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    deq2496 manual portugues

    O tratament o incorrecto deste tipo de residuos pode ter um ev entual impac to negativ o no ambiente e na saude humana devido a substancias potencialmente perigosas que estao ger almente associadas aos EEE. Ao mesmo tempo, a sua colaboracao para a eliminacao correcta deste pr oduto ira con tribuir para a utilizacao e? ciente dos r ecursos naturais. Par a?mais informacao acerca dos locais onde podera deixar o seu equipamento usado para r eciclagem, e fav or contactar os servicos municipais locais, a entidade de gestao de residuos ou os servicos de recolha de r esiduos?domesticos. ESPECIFICAC OES TECNICAS E AP ARENCIA EST AO SUJEIT AS A MUDANCAS SEM A VISO PREVIO E NA O HA GARANTIA DE PRECISA O.T rata- se de um pro cessado r de audio digit al de primei ra qualidade com base e m DSP. T ud o isto e muito mais to rnam o DEQ2 496 uma pa rte inte grante, aplicavel a um nivel abso lutamente uni versal d o seu est udio de gravac ao ou de Mas tering e numa verdadeir a mais-valia do seu equ ipamento par a musica ao vi vo. ? Este manual descreve, em primeiro lugar, a terminologia utilizada de for ma a famil iariz a-lo com tod as as fun coes do ap arelh o. Depois de ter lido atentamente este manual, guarde-o para em caso de necessidade, voltar a c onsult a-lo. 1.1 Antes de comecar 1.1.1 Fornecimento O UL TR ACURVE?PRO vem cuidados amente embalado de f abric a no sentido de garantir u m transpor te se guro. Se, apes ar dos cuidado s, a caixa est iver dani?ca da, veri?que ime diatamente se o ap arelho apre senta dani?c acoes?ex terio res. ? No cas o de eventuai s danif ic acoes, NAO nos devol va o apare lho, mas inf orme se mpre p rimeir o o vended or e a empr esa tr anspor t adora, caso contrario podera cessar qualquer direito a indemni zacao. 1.1. 2 Colocacao em funcionamento Ass egure -se de que e xiste ent rada de ar su?c iente e nao coloque o DEQ24 9 6 um est agio ?nal ou na pr oximidade de um aqu ecimento, para ev itar o sobreaquecimento do aparelho. ?

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    T erminais marcados com o simbolo carregam corr ente eletrica de magnitude su.T odas as outras instalacoes e modi.Por fav or leia o manual de instrucoes. At encao De forma a diminuir o risco de choque electrico, nao r emover a cobertura (ou?a?seccao de tras). Nao e xistem pecas substituiveis por parte do utilizador no seu interior. Para esse efeit o recorr er a um tecnico quali? cado. At encao Par a reduzir o risco de inc endios ou choques electricos o aparelho nao deve ser exposto a chuva nem a humidade. Alem disso, nao deve ser sujeito a salpicos, nem devem ser colocados em cima do aparelho objectos cont endo liquidos, tais como jarras. At encao Estas instrucoes de operacao devem ser utilizadas, em ex clusivo, por tecnicos de assistencia quali? cados. P ara evitar choques electricos nao proceda a r eparacoes ou int er venc oes, que nao as indicadas nas instrucoes de operacao, salvo se possuir as quali? - cacoes necessarias. Par a evitar choques electricos nao proceda a r eparacoes ou int er venc oes, que nao as indicadas nas instrucoes de operacao. So o devera fazer se possuir as quali.Instale de acordo com as instruc oes do fabricante. 8. Nao instale perto de quaisquer fontes de calor tais como radiadores, bocas de ar quente, fogoes de sala ou outros apar elhos (incluindo ampli.Uma ? cha polarizada dispoe de duas palhetas sendo uma mais larga do que a outra. Uma ? cha do tipo ligacao a terra dispoe de duas palhetas e um terc eiro dente de ligacao a t erra. A palheta larga ou o ter ceiro dente sao fornecidos para sua seguranca. Se a ? cha fornecida nao encaixar na sua tomada, consulte um electricista para a substituicao da tomada obsoleta. 10. Prot eja o cabo de alimentacao de pisadelas ou apertos, especialmente nas.C erti? que-se de que o cabo elec trico esta protegido. V eri? que particularmente nas.Este pr oduto devera ser levado para um cen tro de rec olha licenciado para a reciclagem de r esiduos de equipamentos electricos e electronicos (EEE).

    possivel a ceder ao resp ec tivo menu no qual po de efec tuar to dos os ajustes?n ecess arios (consulte o capitu lo 3.8 ). (4) Com a tecla C O MPA R E do D EQ2 496 poder a comparar em f uncao d o menu ac tualmente sele ccionado, todos os p reset s ou modulo s individuais.Na?maioria do s casos o s Datawheels di spoem de uma f uncao dup la, isto e, e possivel p roceder a e dicoes ao ro dar e ao premir. Se premir o Datawhe el e possivel co mutar var ios esc alonamentos (largu ra de pass os ) de?muitos parame tros ou con.Alem diss o, es tas teclas s ao tambem u tilizada s para sele ccionar as varias p aginas no ambi to de um menu (tal como a tecla PA GE). T o das?as teclas disp oem de um LED. Este LED acende s empre que o mo dulo em ques tao inter vir no s om. Quando o DEQ2 496 esti ver a receber dado s MIDI, o?LED da tecla UTILIT Y acende -se por ins tantes. S e premir pro longadamente a tecla (aprox. 1 segun do ) p odera comu tar os mod ulos ac tivos para o m odo de Byp ass ou ac tiva- los novamente. Isto re fere -se apenas ao s modulos que tambem p odem ser e ditado s no menu BYP A SS ( con sulte o capit ulo 3. 7). (11) O i nterrupto r POWER pe rmite coloc ar o DEQ2 496 em f uncionamento. O?interr uptor POWER devera es tar na posic ao “OFF”, quando f or est abelec ida?a ligacao a re de elec tric a 2. 2 Parte traseira (12) (13) (14) (15) Fig. 2.4: Ligac ao a re de, liga coes M IDI e Word clo ck (12) No PORT A- FUS IV EIS do DEQ2 496 po dera subs tituir o f usivel. Ao subs tituir um fusi vel deve utiliz ar sempre o me smo tipo de f usivel. Respei te as indicaco es const antes no cap itulo 7 “Dado s T ec nicos”. (13) A ligac ao a rede e e fec tuada po r meio de uma de uma tomada p ara ligacao a di spositivos f rios IEC. Um cab o de rede ad equado fa z par te da gama?de?for necimen to. (14) As ligaco es MIDI sao ut ilizadas pa ra a comunicac ao do DEQ2 496 com u m comput ador ou out ros apare lhos compativeis co m MIDI.

    Os fusiveis queimados dev em ser impreterivel-mente substituidos por f usiveis c om o valor co rrec to. O valo r corr ec to const a do cap itulo “Dados T ecnicos”. A ligacao a re de e efe ct uada por meio do c abo de red e forne cido com ligac ao para apa relhos fr ios. A mesma e sta em co nformida de com as disposico es de seguranca re queridas. ? Nao se es quec a que todo s os apare lhos tem de e star i mpreter ivelmen te ligado s a terra. Par a sua pro pria pr otecca o nunca d evera reti rar ou inviab iliza r a ligaca o a terra do s apare lhos ou do s cabo s de corr ente. 1.1. 3 Garantia T om e algum tempo e envie -nos o c art ao de garantia p reenchid o na totalidade no perio do de 1 4 dias apos a da ta da compra. Pode en contrar o numer o de serie na par te de cima do s eu aparelho. Em alternat iva, poder a tambem f azer o regis to Online na nos sa pagina da Inte rnet (behr inger. com ). 1. 2 O manual Es te manual est a estr uturad o de forma a p oder ter uma vis ta ger al dos elementos de co mando e simultan eamente, e informad o em pormeno r sobre as respe ct ivas utiliz acoes. C aso nece ssite de ex plicacoe s detalhadas r elativamente a determi nados assuntos, v isite a noss a pagina de Inter net behri nger.com. Ai?poder a encontrar in formacoe s mais detalhada s acerca das aplic acoes de efeito s?e de ampli?c adores d e regulaca o. 2. E lementos de Comando 2.1 Parte frontal (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Fig. 2. 1: Indic ac ao LED e te clas d e menu (1) O medido r ( METER) de LED indic a o sinal de entrada d o DEQ2 496. O LED CLIP superi or acende logo qu e este for d emasiado alto ou se o limi tador de p icos do menu dinamico (consulte o capit ulo 3. 4) est iver a trabalhar ne sse?momento. (2) Para aceder a o menu METER pri ma a tecla METER (consulte o capi tulo 3. 10). (3) O DEQ2 496 dispo e de um analisad or de tempo real inte grado par a a apres entacao d e toda a gama de fr equencias. Atraves da tecla R TA, e?

    Lembr e-se q ue no modo LINK EM E STEREO, s ao semp re edi tados simultaneamnete o canal direito e esquerdo. Es te menu e compos to por apena s uma pagina na qual s ao efe ct uados os ajus tes de ?ltr o. Fig. 3.1: Me nu GEQ Se rodar n o Datawheel sup erior po dera sele ccionar no par ametro FR EQ uma banda de f requenc ia que deve ser e ditada. E xistem 31 bandas a dispo sicao que se?es tendem em toda a gama de f reque ncias de 20 Hz a 20 kHz. Com o Dat awheel grande pode ajustar em GAIN uma acent uacao ou uma de scida da gama pretendi da. Isto signi ?ca que as b andas fre quencias s ao acentuadas ou d escem uma f requenc ia de medios em f orma de cone. O numero de gama s de fre quencias que e in ?uenciado, e determi nado pela largura de b anda. Se r odar o regulad or podera s eleccionar u m ?ltro Shelv ing HIGH ou LOW. No?modo HIGH s ao acentuadas ou r eduzidas toda s as bandas de f requen cias acima da f requenc ia seleccio nada e no modo LOW sao in?ue nciadas todas as bandas inf eriore s a freq uencia. Es te proces so tambem tem d e ser con?rm ado com a tecla B (ACCE PT V ALUES). A tecla A que s e encontra do lad o esquerd o do most rador e uti lizada no mod o DUAL MONO para a comut acao entr e o sinal de audio direi to e esquerd o. Se?premir a te cla prolon gadamente, sao indic ados junta mente os ajuste s de ambos os lad os, sendo po ssivel edit a-los simu ltaneamente. No mod o STEREO LINK apenas e po ssivel proce ssar os dois c anais em conjunto. Com a tecla B po de repor-se os ajus tes de ?ltr o (RESET EQ). Se premir brevemente na tecla, a banda d e frequ encia ac tualmente sel eccionada e colo cada em 0.0?dB Gain, contudo, se mant iver a tecla premida d urante aprox. 1 s egundo todas as bandas d e frequ encias sao r epost as. Algumas b andas tambem p odem ser repos tas ao pr emir sobre o Dat awheel gran de. 3.2.2 M en u PEQ Para utiliz ar para o pr ocess amento do sinal, EQs para -metr izados, pr ima a tecla PEQ.

    Atraves da ligacao MIDI IN s ao recebid os os dados MIDI, e atraves de MIDI O UT e possivel transmi tir os comando s MIDI. Os comandos MIDI re cebidos sa em na tomada MIDI THRU e podem ser transferidos para outro s apare lhos. (15) A entrada WO RDCLO CK permi te a alimentac ao de um sinal Wordclock ex terno p ara a sincroni zacao d o DEQ2 496 atraves de um o utro apar elho. Es ta?ligaca o esta p reparada com o tomada coaxial BN C. (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Fig. 2.5: Inter f aces d igit ais e en tra da par a mic rof one RTA (16) O DEQ2 496 dispo e de uma inter face op tica digi tal. O sinal pode ser u tilizad o como sinal de entra da para o analisa dor de tempo real o u para o medi dor SPL. Recomendam os que enquanto tr abalha com o DEQ2 496, tenha sempr e a mao o manual de inst rucoes d e forma a po der consulta-lo sempre que for necess ario. 3.1 Seque ncia de operacao geral e apresentacao do mostrador Se aceder a u m determinad o menu com uma das tecla s GEQ, PEQ, DYN, etc., no?mos trador sur gira a resp ec tiva apre sentac ao. Na margem esque rda e direit a encontra ra as funco es e os para metros p ara a edic ao de pres et, que es tao atrib uidos as tecla s A ou B ( e squerda) e aos tre s Datawheels (direita). Com este s e possive l efec tuar quais quer edicoe s. Na maioria do s casos o s menus sao co mpostos p or varias p aginas cujo num ero aparece a e squerda, na par te sup erior do mo strad or, po r baixo da designac ao do menu. Com as tec las de menu corr espondente s ou as teclas PA GE do lado esquerdo do mostrador, podera mudar entre as varias paginas. Visto qu e as teclas A ou B e os Dat awheels em f uncao do m enu act ualmente selecc ionado, tem funcoe s diferente s, passam os a desc rever detalhadam ente no pres ente manual todos os p assos de t rabalho. Os menus s ao apres entados s equencialmen te sendo que c ada func ao e cada par ametro sao?explic ados?pormenorizadamente. ?

    Pode ver o nivel de entra da DEQ act ual no medidor L EVEL que se encon tra ao lado, a direit a. Fig. 3. 4: Menu DEQ (pagina 1 ) Com o parametr o M-G AIN (Make-Up- Gain) na pagina 1 e deter minado no Datawhee l superior p ara o ?ltro, a ampli? cacao o u a descida. Com o Datawheel gr ande e de?nid o no parametro THRESHOLD e o limi te de nivel a par tir do qual e a ccionada a fu ncao de ?ltro. Se?t iver sido ajust ado uma des cida para o ?lt ro (M-GAIN, a gama de fre quencia pr etendida (consultar a pagina 3) e descida, logo q ue exceder o nivel THRESHOLD. O ambito de valores si tua-se en tre 1:2 e 1: 1 00. Fig. 3.5: Menu DEQ (pagina 2) Na segun da pagina do menu DEQ (p rima a tecla DEQ ou PA GE) tem a possi bilidade de deter minar mai dois param etros de d inamica. No para metro AT TA C K (Datawheel sup erior) e determinada a vel ocidade com qu e o EQ dinamico inter fere n o som, desde q ue o valor THRESHO LD seja inferi or ou excedido. Os temp os A T T ACK po dem ser sele ccionados de 0 a 20 0 milisegu ndos. Ao premir nes te botao p ode sele ccionar entre um e scalona mento aproximado e um escalonamento ?no. Em co ntrapartida, no pa rametro RELEASE (Datawheel inf erior) poder a ajustar o tempo de re torno que o EQ ne cessita p ara, em caso d e o valor THRESHO LD ser inferior ou excedido (dependente do ajuste GAIN) s ubmete- lo novament e a regulac ao dinamica. O s tempos RELE ASE situam- se entre os 20 e 4 00 0 milisegundos. Aqui tambem podera, se premir neste botao, seleccionar entre um esc alonamento aproximado e um es calonamento ?no. Nes ta pagina e po ssivel edit ar o valor THRESH OLD (Datawheel gr ande), para?ajus tar sem quai squer prob lemas o valor sem ter d e mudar de pagina. Fig. 3.6: M enu DE Q (pag ina 3) Na pagina 3 encon trara, tal com o inicialmente ref erido, um diagrama de fr equencias e a i ndicac ao de Gain Reduc tio n. Alem disso, em MODE (Datawheel?su perior) e deter minado o tipo de ?lt ro. Podera opt ar entre os seguin tes tipos de.

    A gama de fre quencias comp leta sit ua-se entr e 20 Hz a 2000 0 Hz. Se tiver s eleccionad o em MODE o ajuste pa ssa-b anda, do lado direito e m baixo surgira o para metro BW(O C T ), onde po dera ajus tar com o Datawhe el infer ior a largura de b anda desejada. Com a tecla B po de selecc ionar o EQ dinamico a ser ind icado. Por pagina ester eofonic a encontram -se a dispo sicao tre s EQs. Se pre mir prolongadam ente est a tecla, os ajus tes do DEQ ac tualmente sele ccionado s ao repos tos. Es ta tabe la mostr a um exemplo com ajus tes ex trem os de for ma a mostr ar mais claramente o m odo de fu ncionamento de um EQ di namico: Um Feedb ack Des troyer per mite desci das elevadas (nenhumas acentuacoe s ) de gamas de f requenc ias, com vist a a eliminar objec ti vamente as f requencia s caus adoras de f eedbac k. Devid o aos ?ltro s de banda ex tre mamente est reita, o?som do sinal pr aticamen te nao e in?uenciado. Fig. 3. 8: Menu FB D (pag ina 1) A primeir a pagina mos tra uma ap resenta cao gra?c a dos ?ltr os e corre sponde em termos d e estr utura e u tilizac ao a primeir a pagina do menu PEQ. Vis to?que neste m enu apenas e pos sivel ajust ar descida s, a linha 0 dB encontra -se na par te super ior da aprese ntacao. A s diferenc as surgem n os ambitos de val ores dos par ametros G AIN e BW (OCT ). Se t iver ac tivado no menu PEQ, EQs parame triz ados, es tes tambem serao in dicados n esta t abela. Isto deve -se ao f acto d e as dez posico es de memor ia possiveis s e refer irem a FBDs e a PEQs. ? EQs par ametr izado s ac tivos do mo dulo PEQ nao po dem ser pro cessa dos no men u Feedbac k Dest royer (FBD ). No cas o contra rio, aplica-se o mesmo. O valor o btido e colo cado em relac ao com o nivel de todo o si nal. A diferenc a deste s dois niveis deter mina se e acciona do ou nao um ?ltr o. Se esti ver comutado um.M o do AU TO No cas o de microf ones que s ao movimenta dos durante uma ac tuac ao (p.?ex.?

    Par a cada pagina e stere ofonica e ncontram- se disponi veis dez EQs que podem s er comutad os opcionalm ente como PEQ ou FBD (Feedbac k Dest royer: consulte o ca pitulo 3.2.4 ). Para alem dos ?ltr os pass a-banda p odera se leccionar neste m enu os ?ltro s Shelving (High ou Low). Na pagina 1 do m enu PEQ sao apre sentado s gra?c amente os ?ltr os em toda a gama de f requenc ia, de forma s emelhante ao menu GEQ. Para reiniciali zar o PEQ sele ccionado, mantenha a tecla B do lado e squerdo, ao?lado do mos trado r, premi da durante aprox. 1 s egundo. Se pre mir brevemente, pode selec ciona r entre os ?ltro s parametri zados. Fig. 3.3: Menu PEQ ( pagina 2) Ao premir a tec la P AGE ou PEQ, pas sa para a s egunda pag ina do menu. No?cas o de anterior mente nao ter ac tivado nen hum EQ paramet riza do passa ra imediat amente para a pa gina 2, na qual se encontr am listada s em tabela as 10?posicoes que po dem ser oc upadas com os r espec tivos p arametr os. Em MODE po de ac tivar com o Datawhe el grande (pr emir ou rodar) o ?ltro s eleccionad o (P ARA M). Em?segui da, surgem os param etros at ribuidos FREQ, B W(O C T ) e GAIN. Es tes?parame tros po dem ser sele ccionados a o rodar o Datawhe el superio r. As?alter acoes dos valo res sao in troduzi das com o Datawhee l grande. Se premir o Dat awheel gran de pode comu tar entre doi s escalo namentos. Em contrapartida, o ?ltro High- Shelving sobe (ganho positivo ) ou?des ce (ganho ne gativo) o nivel da ba nda de f requ encia ac ima da fre quenc ia?aju stad a. O ?ltr o pass a-ban da sobe o u desce o n ivel da ga ma de fr eque ncia pe la frequencia de med ios. Relativam ente a GAIN e BW (OC T), e possivel repo r o valor ao premir s obre o Datawhee l grande. Com a tecla A po de comutar ne ste menu ent re o sinal do lado esq uerdo e do lado direito. Cas o no menu UTILITIES (capitu lo 3.5 ) esteja s eleccionad o o modo LINK ester eo, os valores de p arametr os sao valido s para ambo s os lados.

    Para aced er a prim eira pag ina do men u PEQ, tem de es tar ac tivad o no minim o um f iltro na p agina 2. 3. 2. 3 Me nu DEQ Prima a tec la DEQ para aced er ao menu DEQ. Devido a comp lexidade d o EQ dinamico, os ajustes e stao di strib uidos por t res pagina s. Para informacao: Um EQ dina mico in.Este po dera ou ac entua r ou descer uma determi-nada gama de frequencias. I sso depende da regulacao Gain que tenha sido efec tuado. Se com a regulacao Gain for det erminada uma descida d a gama de fre quenc ia em qu esta o e se for e xcedid o um limi te de nivel p rede ?nido (THRESHOLD), o EQ in ter fere n o som e re duz o nive l da gama d e frequencias pretendida. A medida da descida e d e?nida pelo valor RATIO. S e o valo r Thres hold na o for novam ente alc anc ado, a respo sta de fr eque ncia e nova mente “alis ada”. Isto si gni?c a que o EQ di namico nao?vai m ais inte r feri r. Se tiver determinado uma acentuacao com a regulacao GA IN, a gama de fr eque ncias e ac entuad a em fun cao o ni vel do volu me de som. S e?o nivel da banda d e frequencia seleccionada nao alcancar um valor Threshold pre-de?nido, este sera reforcado numa determinada medida (Ratio). Se o val or for nov amente exce dido, o EQ din amico na o inter fer e mais?n o?som. Nas paginas e 1 e 2 d o menu DEQ sao reali zados os aju stes nece ssari os que determi nam o momento de aplic acao bem co mo o modo de pr ocessam ento do sinal. Alem disso, a cur va de re gulacao e ap resenta da em gra?co relati vamente a THRESHOLD, GAIN e RA TIO. No centro do mo strad or encontra -se um medi dor de nivel (indicac ao do lado es querdo) para o nivel de ent rada DEQ ?ltra do (sinal?de control o ) e um m edidor de ganh o (indicacao d o lado direito) que indicam a acentuac ao ou a desc ida. Na pagina 3 encon tra-s e um diagrama de f requenc ia que indic a as cur vas dos ?ltro s em func ao da fre quencia e do limite de n ivel (THRE SHOLD ).

    micr ofones p ara canto) podem surgir f requ encias de fe edback v ariaveis devido a p osicao que s e altera. Es tes fee dback s devem ser su primidos com o modo Auto. Um ?ltr o no modo Auto pro cura automat icamente o ajus te ideal dos par ametros d e forma a sup rimir os fe edback s. No c aso de uma alter acao da fre quencia do f eedbac k, os ?ltr os AUTO conseguem seg uir a fre quencia de fee dback e de supr imi-la. E sem pre selecc ionada a melhor f requen cia possivel e o ?ltro e con ?gurado com uma b anda est reita p ara in?uenciar o m inimo possi vel o sinal. Se es tiverem oc upados tod os os ?ltro s, e liberado o ?lt ro que se encon tra na fre quencia de f eedbac k mais antiga, para su primir o “novo” feedba ck que est a a ocorr er. S e surgir um novo fe edback mui to proximo ou num a frequ encia ja reconhe cida, o ?ltro e ada ptado em term os de parame tros, is to e, a largura de banda ou a de scida e aument ada. Modo SNGL Um ?ltro que e steja a trab alhar no modo SNGL (Single Shot), tambem anali sa automatic amente o sinal de music a relativam ente a exis tencia de fee dback s. Quando o ?lt ro detec tar um F eedbac k, o ?ltro e co rrigid o para o ajus te ideal dos par ametros p ara a supre ssao da f requenc ia de Feedb ack. Ao contra rio, do modo AUTO o ?ltro e de ?nido para a f requen cia localiz ada (LOCK FBD ), sendo qu e a largura e a prof undidade d o ?ltro, continuam a ser aju stado s ao Feedb ack. A?largu ra e aumentada, c aso a fr equencia d e Feedbac k se desloc ar ligeiramen te. A descida e resp ec tivamente aume ntada se se p retender que o Feedb ack continue a o correr. Com vista a ev itar uma nova o correnc ia nao se reduz a d escida. A ssim, este mo do de fun cionamento e ideal p ara a supre ssao de frequencias de feedbac k constantes que podem surgir n os microfones ?xos. Com a func ao LO CK FBD, no lado esquer do em baixo no mos trador (tecla?B) pode?b loquear manualmente a f requenc ia dos ?ltro s SNGL ( SNGL ? ). Isto?signi ?ca que es te ?

    ltro s o pode ser alter ado na largura d e banda e na desc ida. A func ao UNLOCK FBD (tecla B ) permi te desbloquea r novamente os ?ltr os. Fig. 3.1 0: Men u FBD (p agina 3) Na terceira pag ina encontram -se tre s paramet ros de dinamic a adicionais qu e sao validos pa ra todos os ?l tros FBD. Se um sinal atingi r esta d iferenc a a difere nca e diminuida. O amb ito de valore s situa-s e entre -3.0 e -9.0 dB. C om THRESHOLD (Dat awheel grand e ) pode s eleccionar o limi te de nivel a par tir do qual u ma freq uencia e reco nhecida como Fee dback. O p arametr o MA X. DEPTH subjacente d etermina a des cida maxima d e um ?ltro (- 18 a -6 0 dB ) em pass os de 6 dB e, por conse guinte, o ambito de valo res do GAIN na pr imeira e seg unda pagina (Datawhe el infer ior). Com a tecla A e ac tiva do o modo LEARN MODE. Ne sta f uncao s ao criad os breves impulsos s uplementar es e a ampli?c acao ger al aumenta pr ogressi vamente para provoc ar feedb ack s. Os fee dback s entram na en trada do DEQ2 496, onde?sao reconhe cidos e sup rimidos. E mu ito adequado r ealizar es ta fu ncao antes de um espe ct aculo ao vivo, p. ex. par a ajustar au tomaticame nte os ?ltros SNGL (“ sintonizar ” o equipamento ). Os simbo los que se se guem, infor mam sobre o e stado ac tual d os ?ltros: ? Neste ajuste en contra-s e em stan d-by (RUN) um ?ltro AUTO ou SNGL para reagir ao sinal d e entrada e par a efec tuar ajus tes. ? Este simb olo remete par a um ?ltro AUTO ou SNGL ( ?ltro SNGL no modo LOCK ), que nes te momento es ta a suprim ir uma fre quencia de feedback ?detectada. ? Este simb olo signi?c a que os ?ltro s AUT O e SNGL se encontr am no modo STOP. Os ajuste s encontrad os ate a data sao man tidos e es tao ac tivos. No?entanto, nao sao d etec tadas as o correncia s novas de fee dback s. ? O ?ltro que foi de ?nido para a u ltima fr equencia f eedbac k detec tada e indica do com este sim bolo.

    O modo d e proc edime nto par a a selec cao e a ed icao d os par ametr os cor respo nde amp lamen te ao do menu PEQ. O mo do de fu ncio namento da tecla B constitui uma ex cepc ao. Se premir prolongadamen te est a tecla, e p ossive l reini cial izar to dos os ?lt ros (p agina d e menu 2) ou?ape nas os ?lt ros AUTO (pagi na de men u 3 ). 3. 3 Menu WID TH A func ao WIDTH do DEQ2 496 e um Stereo Imager p ara o proce ssamento de sinais es tereofoni cos. Es ta func ao apenas e sta ac tiva n o modo de ope racao LINK?em?ester eo. Um sinal este reofonico s oa bas tante mais interes sante vis to que o nosso o uvido conseg ue fazer maio r distinc ao entre os d ois lados es tereofon icos. Se es te sinal for ut ilizado mo deradamente, o Stereo Imager co nsegue melh orar signi?c a- tivamente o s om da sua musica. Nas duas pagi nas do menu WIDTH sao apre sentado s respec tiv amente do lado direito os p arametr os a edit ar. Na mar gem do lado esqu erdo encontr a-se a func ao RESE T IMAGE ( te cla B). Se pr emir prolonga damente est a tecla e possi vel reinicializ ar os ajus tes efec tuad os. No centro, es ta apres entado so b a forma de um diagrama a lar gura es tereofoni ca do sinal (triangulo) e o sinal mono (linha). Fig. 3. 11: Menu WID TH (pagina 1 ) O param etro STEREOWIDTH deter mina a largura es tereof onica num ambi to de 0 a 3.0 ( Datawhe el grande) e, por conseguin te, a separacao in equivoc a entre o lado ester eofonico da lado e squerdo e d o lado direito. O param etro R OTA TI O N (Dat awheel infer ior) permite po sicionar o sinal completo (estere o e mono ) no espe ct ro, sem in?uenciar a re lacao relati va do volume de som e ntre o sinal mono e e stereo. Isto e mu ito util, se pre tender posici onar um unico sinal es tereofoni co numa mistur a geral (“True Stereo” - regulac ao?panoramica). Fig. 3. 12: Menu WIDT H (pagina 2 ) A segun da pagina des te menu contem as alter nativas par a um trata mento a nivel do so m do sinal.

    Assim, a f uncao S HUFFLE (Datawheel inferior) permi te?uma distr ibuicao a dicional de es tereo das f reque ncias de graves vi sto que uma dis tribuic ao do sinal pelo lad o estere ofonico es querdo e dire ito na area de f requenc ias baixas nao e c laramente audivel, como aco ntece na area de fre quencias alt as.O param etro FREQUENC Y (Datawheel gra nde ) deter mina a fre quencia limite abaixo da qual e ac tiv ada a func ao SHUFFLE ( 350 a 1 4 00 Hz). Para as aplic acoes normais d e estere o, regra geral so am melhor, os ajuste s entre 60 0 e 700 Hz. Os para metros A SYMMETRY, ROT ATION e FREQUENCY po dem ser reg ulados opcio nalmente num esc alonamento ?no ou ap roximado (ao premir o Datawhee l?corresp ondente). 3.4 Menu D YN Para o proce ssamento da di namica o DEQ2 496 po ssui proce ssador es dinamicos potentes p ara a optimiz acao do s sinais de audio. Ex istem duas p aginas onde e possivel p roceder a aju stes par a as aplicaco es do compre ssor e do ex pansor. A?func ao LIMITER suplement ar propo rciona a pos sibilidade de supr imir os eventuais picos d e nivel de um sinal. Fig. 3.1 3: Men u DYN (pa gina 1) Na primeir a pagina po de selecci onar com a tecla B entr e a func ao do compre ssor ou a fun cao do ex pansor. A tecla A e utiliz ada, tal como nos r est antes menus, para?a comu tacao en tre o lado es tereofo nico do lado esque rdo e do lado direi to. No modo LINK e stereo as al teracoes t ambem se ref erem a ambos o s lados. Um exp ansor d esce o ni vel do volu me de som a baixo de u m limite de nivel seleccionado (T HRES HOL D ), permitindo assim uma descida dos r uidos de i nter-fer encia s baixos, t ais com o os rui dos de ban da ou a dia fonia e ntre r eal e re al. Os aju stes ex tr emos pr opor cion am a utili zac ao de um ex pans or como No ise Gate. Aqu i, os niveis d e sinai s inferiores ao valor Threshold sao completamen te suprimidos.

    A apres entacao d o mostr ador e muito s emelhante a do menu DEQ, v isto se trat ar igualmente de um pro cessame nto de sinal em func ao do volume de s om.Isto e pos sivel como Datawhe el super ior. Es te deve ser ajus tado com o Datawhee l grande. O parame tro R ATI O de termina a med ida da descida, uma?ve z que o valor THRE SHOLD seja exced ido ou nao alcanc ado (Datawhe el inferio r). O?ambito de valo res situa -se entre 1: 1. 1 e 1: 1 00. Fig. 3.1 4: M enu DYN (p agin a 2) Com a tecla PA GE o u D YN acede -se a se gunda pagina d o menu. Com o Datawhee l superio r pode, tal como e o c aso nos DEQ s, determinar o temp o de reacca o ( AT TA C K: 0 a 200 ms). O temp o de retor no ( RELEASE: 20 a 40 00 ms) e a just ado com o Datawhe el infer ior. S e premir no re spec tivo bot ao podera selecc ionar entre um e scalonam ento aproximado e um e scalonam ento ?no. Apenas compressor: Ex iste uma f uncao KNEE adicional par a o compres sor, qu er permite u ma compac tac ao de prog rama musical mu ito discr eta. O para metro KNEE permi te determinar o amb ito no qual o nivel THRE SHOLD arre donda a cur va do?compre ssor. O ambito de valo res do par ametro KNEE si tua-se ent re 0 e 30 dB e e ajusta do com o Datawhee l grande. Ao premir pro longadamente na tec la B os ajustes das p aginas da dinamic a sao repos tas, contu do, nao os ajustes LIMITER (consulte o capit ulo seguinte 3.4. 1 ). 3. 4.1 Me nu LIMITE R Fig. 3. 15: Menu LIMITER Com a tecla B po dera mudar par a a segunda p agina LIMITER, se s e encontrar no menu DYN. No modo de f uncionam ento geral o limit ador corr esponde ao compres sor, com a difer enca de es te trabalhar s empre com a de scida max ima. O?limitad or suprime de f orma e? caz todo s os picos de nivel d e um sinal e protege os es tagios ?nais e o s altif alantes ligados cont ra as sobr e-mo dulacoes e pos siveis danos. Aqui, encont rara tamb em uma aprese ntacao gr a?

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    Important for voice naturalness. Too much 630 to 1k boost in the 315 to 1 kHz range produces a telephone-like quality. Important information: Changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by MUSIC Group can void the user’s authority to use the equipment. behringer.com. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. MG-IP or its suppliers own the title, copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Software. This EULA does not grant you any rights to trademarks or service marks of MG-IP. The Software Updates, if any, may not necessarily include all existing software features or new features that MG-IP releases for newer or other models of the Product.Except as permitted in Section 2.2 below, and unless as provided in a separate agreement between you and MG-IP, this EULA does not allow the Software to exist on more than one Product at a time, and you may not distribute or make the Software available over a network where it could be used by multiple devices at the same time. You may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute or sublicense the Software. This EULA does not allow you to update or restore any Product that you do not control or own, and you may not distribute or make the Software Updates available over a network where they could be used by multiple devices at the same time. If you download a Software Update to your computer, you may make one copy of the Software Updates stored on your computer in machine-readable form for backup purposes only, provided that the backup copy must include all copyright or other proprietary notices contained on the original. Any attempt to do so is a violation of the rights of MG-IP. In some jurisdictions, it is unlawful to make digital copies without prior permission from the rights holder.

    This right to use is personal to you and is not transferable by you to another party. The Image cannot be used to promote or sell any product or technology (such as on advertising, brochures, book-covers, stock photos, t-shirts, or other promotional merchandise) other than authentic Music Tribe IP Ltd. Products. You may not use the Image in any way that might prejudice the reputation of Music Tribe, or the distinctiveness, validity or goodwill of any of its brands. You may not use the Image in any way that misrepresents your relationship with Music Tribe. You may not alter, or modify the Image, in whole or in part, for any reason. You, are responsible for your use of the Image and hold Music Tribe IP Ltd free and harmless from any liability connected to your use of the Image. Any misuse of the Image or breach of this Agreement will cause Music Tribe IP Ltd. Midas irreparable harm for which immediate or pre-emptive injunctive relief may be proper. Table of Contents. Thank you. 2. Important Safety Instructions. 3. Legal Disclaimer. 3. Limited Warranty. 3. Page 3: Limited Warranty 3 ULTRAGRAPH DIGITAL DEQ1024In addition to graphic EQing, the ULTRAGRAPH DIGITAL gives you a. Page 5 5 ULTRAGRAPH DIGITAL DEQ1024Page 6 6 ULTRAGRAPH DIGITAL DEQ1024After this editing, you have a basic setup; now, you can do some manualPage 12 We Hear You. Den har symbolen hanvisar till viktiga punkter om anvandning och underh a ll i den medfolljande dokumentationen. V ar?vanlig och las bruksanvisningen. Forsiktighet Minska risken for elektriska stotar genom att aldrig ta av holjet upptill p a apparaten (eller ta av baksidan). Inuti appara ten ? nns det inga delar som kan repar eras av an vandaren. Endast?kv ali? cerad personal f a r genomfora r eparationer. Forsiktighet For a tt minska risken for brand och elektriska stotar ska apparat en skyddas mot regn och fukt. Apparaten g a r inte utsa ttas for dropp eller spill och inga va ttenbeh a llare som vaser etc.For?

    You agree to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the Software, including the export regulations, as well as end-user, end-use, and destination restrictions issued by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and other governments. Your rights under this EULA will terminate automatically or otherwise cease to be effective without notice from MG-IP if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this EULA. Upon the termination of this EULA, you shall cease all use of the Software and destroy all copies of the Software and all of its component parts. Sections 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 16 of this EULA shall survive any such termination. However, this remedy is unavailable if failure of the Software resulted from accident, abuse, misapplication, abnormal use or a virus. MG-IP is not responsible in any way for the Third Party Software or your use thereof. IN ADDITION, MG-IP EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, as to the Third Party Software. Your use of the Software may also be subject to other local, state, national or international laws. The applicability of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and any other laws that direct the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction are expressly excluded. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this EULA shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Luxembourg by a sole arbitrator with the arbitration process as foreseen by the new code of civil procedure. Any translation of this EULA is done for local requirements and in the event of a dispute between the English and any non-English versions, the English version of this EULA shall govern, to the extent not prohibited by local law in your jurisdiction. If you do not agree to the Agreements terms, you may not copy or use the Image in any way.

    A vfallshanteras pr odukten daremot p a r att satt bidr ar detta till att natur ens resurser anv ands p a ett bra satt. Kon takta kommun, ansvarig forvaltning eller avfallshanteringsfor etag for mer information om a tervinningscentral dar produkt en kan?lamnas. TEKNISKA SPECIFIKA TIONER OCH UT SEENDE KAN ANDRAS UT AN MEDDELANDE.Weist der Kar ton t rot zdem Be schadigungen au f, uber prufe n Sie das Gerat bit te so for t auf au?er e Schaden. ? Sch icken Sie das G erat be i eventuelle n Besch adi g un gen NICHT an uns zuruck, sondern benach r ichtigen Sie unb edingt zuerst den Handler und das T ransp ortunter nehmen, da sonst jeglicher Schadens er satz anspruch erloschen kann. 1.1. 2 Inbet riebnahme Sorge n Sie fur eine ausr eichende Lu f tzu fuhr und s tellen Sie den DEQ1 024 nicht auf eine Endstufe oder in die Nahe einer Heizung, um eine Uberhitzung des Gerats zu vermeiden. ? Defekte Sicherungen mussen unbedingt durch Sicherungen mit dem korrekten Wert ersetz t werden. Den richtigen W er t f inden Sie im Kapi tel “ TECHNISCHE DA TEN ”. Die Netz verbindung er folgt uber das mitgeliefer te Netzkabe l mit Kaltgerateanschluss. Sie entspricht den er forderlichen Sicherheit sbestimmungen. ? Beachten S ie bitte, dass alle Gerat e unbedingt geerdet sein mussen. Zu Ihrem e igenen S chut z sollte n Sie in keinem Fall die Er dung de r Gerate bzw. Sollte Ihr BEHRINGER-Pro duk t einmal defek t sei n, mochten wir, dass es schnells tmoglic h repari er t wird. Bit te wenden Sie sich d irek t an den BEHRINGER- Handler, bei dem Sie Ihr Ger at gekauf t hab en. F alls Ihr BEHRINGER-Handler nicht in der Nahe ist, konnen S ie sich auch direkt an eine unserer Niederlassungen wenden. S ollte fur Ihr L and keine Kontak tadre sse ver zeichnet sein, wenden Sie sich b it te an den nachstge legenen Dis trib utor. Ist Ihr Ger at mit Kauf datum bei uns re gist rier t, erleic hter t dies die Abwic klung im Garantiefall erheblich. Vielen Dank f ur Ihre Mit arbeit! 1.

    att undvika risker genom elektriska stotar, genomfor inga repara tioner p a appara ten, vilka inte ar beskrivna i bruksanvisningen. Endast kvali? cerad fackpersonal f a r genomfora repara tionerna. 1. Las dessa anvisningar. 2. Spara dessa anvisningar. 3. Beakta alla varningar. 4. Folj alla an visningar. 5. Anvand int e apparaten i narheten av va tten. 6. Rengor endast med torr trasa. 7. Blockera in te ven tilationsoppningarna. Installera?enligt tillverkar ens anvisningar. 8. Installera aldrig intill varmekallor som varme- element, varmluftsintag, spisar eller annan utrustning som avger v arme (inklusive forstarkar e). 9. Andra aldrig en polariserad eller jordad k ontakt. En jordad k ontakt har t v a blad och ett tredje jordstift. Det breda bladet eller jordstift et ar till for din sakerhet. Om?den medfoljande kontakten in te passar i ditt uttag, ska?du k ontakta en elektriker for att f a uttaget bytt. 10. Forlagg elkabeln s a, a tt det inte ar mojligt att trampa p a den och att den ar sky ddad mot skarpa kanter och inte kan skadas. Ge i synnerhet akt p a omr a dena omkring stickkontakt erna, forlangningskablarna och p a det stalle, dar elkabeln lamnar appara ten, ar?tillrackligt?skyddade. 11. Apparaten m a ste alltid vara ansluten till elnatet med intakt skyddsledar e. 12. Om huvudkontakten, eller ett appar atuttag, fungerar som avstangningsenhet m a st e denna alltid vara?tillganglig. 13. Anvand endast tillk opplingar och tillbehor som angetts av tillverkar en. 14. Anvand endast med vagn, stativ, trefot, h a llar e?eller bord som angetts av tillverkar en, eller?som s a lts till- sammans med apparaten. Om du anvander en vagn, var forsiktig, nar du for.Produkt en ska lamnas till ett auktoriserat a tervinningsstalle for elektronisk och elektrisk utrustning (EEE). Om den har sor tens avfall hanteras p a fel satt kan miljon, och mannisk ors halsa, p a verkas negativt p a grund av poten tiella risksubstanser som ofta associeras med EEE.

    Eine solc he Messung de s Frequenzgang s mit einem spez iellen Messmik rofon (z. B. BEHRINGER ECM80 00) in Verbindung mit einem Real-Time Analy zer (integrier t im BEHRINGER UL T RA- CURVE PRO DEQ 2 496) liefert die Grundlage f ur die Einstellung des Equa lizers. Angehobene Frequenzen konnen am Equalizer a bgesenk t, abgeschwachte Frequenzen entsprechend angehoben werden, wodurch eine annahernd lineare Wieder gabe gewahrleis tet wird. ? Orie ntiere n Sie sich b ei Freque nzkorre kt uren mo glich st an ein er Frequen z, deren Peg el im Ber eich z wis chen 0 un d - 3 dB li egt, um di e Ubersteuerung der nachfol genden Gerate (Endstufe, Fre qu en zw ei ch e) zu verme iden. (6) Bei ublic hen gra?sc hen Equalizern ent steht, durch Ihre B auart b edingt, immer ein Unter schie d zwi schen der ein gestellten Kur ve und dem dar aus resultierenden Frequenz verlauf. Dieser Unterschied hangt von der Frequenz und von der V er starkung oder Dampf ung ab. Benachbarte Frequenzbereiche beein?ussen sich gegenseitig, wodurch Anhebungen bz w. Absenkungen addier t werden. Abb. 2.2: G ra?scher Equalizer ohne Frequenzgangkorrektur Durch ein en speziell ent wic kelten Algorit hmus kann der ULTRAGRAPH DIGIT AL dieses Verhalten korrigieren. Betatigen Sie hier fur den TRUE CURVE -T aster (gr une T as ter-LED leuchtet). Abb. 2.3: Gra?scher Equalizer mit F requenzgangkorrektur (TRUE CURVE) Der real ent stehen de Frequenz verlauf e ntspri cht nun genau den Einstellungen, die S ie mit dem gra?schen Equalizer v orgenommen?haben. Bei akti vier ter BYP A SS-Funk tion (rote T as ter -LED leuchte t) wird der Eingang des G erat s direk t auf den Aus gang gesc haltet, so dass Sie nu r das unbearb eitete Signalhoren. (8) Die DYNAMIC S -Sek tion des DEQ10 24 umfass t ein GA TE u nd einen Limiter. Mit den GATE- und LIMITER-Reglern b esti mmen Sie die Signalpe gelschwelle (Thre shold). Bei Ubers chreiten (LIMITER) bzw.

    Unterschr eiten (GA TE ) diese s Wertes be ginnt der ent sprec hende Dy namik p rozessor da s Signal zu beein?ussen. G AT E Wenn das Eingangssignal die ein gestellte Pege lschwelle (Thr eshold) unterschreitet, so wir d dieses komplett ausgeblende t. Grundrauschen, Uber sprechen o der Storgeraus che konnen auf die se Weise aus dem Signal ent fernt wer den. Die gelbe G A TE-LED in der ME TER- Sek tion (siehe ( 13 ) ) leuchtet, s obald das GATE schlie?t. De r W er tebereich d es Thresho lds liegt z wis chen - 60 und - 10 dB. Bei Link sansc hlag des Regle rs is t das GA TE deak tivier t (OFF). LIMITER Der LIMITER schu tz t Ihr Equipmen t vor Signal spit zen, die beispie lsweise Ihre angeschlossenen L autsprecher bes chadigen konnten. Ausgangssignalpegel, die den gewahlten Threshold-W er t ubers chreiten, werden begrenzt, worauf hin di e rote LIMITER-LED in der MET ER- Se kti on (siehe (13 ) ) leuchtet. Durch die Reduzierung der Dy namik wird zusatzlich ein druck vollerer Klang erreic ht. Bei?Rec hts anschla g des Regler s ist de r LIMITER deakt ivier t (OFF). ? Beach ten Sie bit te, dass Sie den Aus gangs pegel e rhohe n, wenn Sie Frequenzk orrek turen durch die Anhebung vieler Bander vornehmen. Der Limi ter spric ht dann f ruhe r an. Vermeide n Sie diese s, indem Si e Korrekturen auch durch Pegelab senkungen vornehmen. U m kr eat iv e Klangeffekte zu erzielen, kann der Peak Limiter aber auch bewusst in die Begrenzung “gefahren” werden. (9) Der DEQ1 02 4 ver fug t in der F I LT E R -Sek tion uber ein LOW CUT - und ein HIGH CUT -Filter, mit denen das gesamte Frequenzspek trum nach oben und unten begrenzt werden kann. Mit dem HIGH CUT -Regler bes timmen Sie die Grenz fr equenz, ab welcher der Hoch f requenzbereich abgesenk t werden soll (2,5 - 1 6 kHz). Bei Recht sansc hlag ist das Filter d eakt ivier t (OFF). D er LOW CUT -Re gler bestimmt die Grenz frequenz, ab der der Tie.

    2 Das Handbu ch Diese s Handbuch is t so auf gebaut, das s Sie einen Uberb lick uber die Bedienungselemente erhalten und gleichzeitig detailliert uber deren Anwendung informier t werden.Jeder F ader ist mit einer roten LED ausgestat tet. (2) Mit den FADER R ANGE -T as tern konnen S ie das Ma. Die le tz te Option e ignet sich sehr gut zur Eliminierung von Feedback-Frequenzen, da?eine extrem hohe Absenkung eines Frequenzbereichs eingestellt werden kann ( -2 4 dB ). ? Jeder Taster des DEQ1 02 4 (b is auf CONFIG und CLOCK) is t mit ein er LED ausge stat tet, di e bei ak tiv ier ter Funk tion leuc htet. ? Alle vorgenommenen Einstellungen bezieh en sich immer auf beide Kanale des DEQ 102 4. (3) Der DEQ1 024 v er fug t uber einen auto matischen FEE DBACK DESTROYER. S obald er eine oder mehr ere Ruckkop plungen gef unden hat, leu chtet die rote LED de s RESET (HOLD ) - T a sters. Die betre ?enden Frequenzen werden daraufhin automatis ch abges enkt. Dabei wird das Pr ogrammmater ial stan dig analysiert, um auch neu auf tretende Ruckkopplungen zu erkennen und zu bes eitigen. Die s ist sinnvoll f ur Mikrof one, die wahrend eine s Auf tri tt s bewegt werden (z. B. Gesangs mikrofone) und dadurch standig neue Feedbacks he rvorrufen k onnten. Die bis dahin ermittelten Feedb ack -Frequenzen werden jed och weiterhi n abgesenk t (RESE T (HOLD ) LED leuchtet weiter hin ). Diese Vor gehens weise eignet sich sehr gut fur fest stehende Mikrof one, wie z. B. Schlagzeug mikrofonierung. Anzeig e der F eedback- Freque nzen: Mit einem ku rzen Dr uck auf den RE SET (HOLD)- T aster werde n fur c a. 2 Sekunden die gef undenen Feedback-Frequenzen an den entsprechenden F ader -LEDs angezeigt. Sollten keine F eedback s auf treten, so werden die LEDs fur c a. 2 Sekun den ausges chaltet.

    Deak ti vier en des FEEDBACK DESTROYERS Durch lang es Gedr uck thalten des RE SET (HOLD)- T aster s werden die Filtereinstellungen zuruck geset zt (RESET (HOLD) L ED erlischt) und der FEEDBACK DESTROYER ist deak tivie rt. (4) Wenn Sie den FB INDICATOR - S chalter druc ken (grune T as ter-LED leuchtet), wird das FBQ Feedback-Erkennungs s ystem ak tivier t. Die Frequenz ( oder die Frequenzen ), die eine Ruck opplung hervor ruf t, wird nun in Form einer hell leuchtenden F ader-LED angezeigt. Alle anderen LEDs werden gedampft. Senken Sie nun einf ach den be tre ?enden Freq uenzbereic h et was ab, bis das Feedb ack nicht me hr auf tri tt un d die LED erlisch t. Durch die Darstellung der Intensitat der einzelnen F requenzbereiche ubernimmt das Feedback-Erkennungs sys tem zusatzlich die Funkt ion eines Audio Analyzers. ? Beach ten Sie bit te, dass der FB INDICAT OR nur di e Intensit at der einzelnen Frequenzbander anzeigt. Nicht jede stark ver tretene Frequenz erzeugt zwangslauf ig eine Ruckkopplung. ? FEEDBA CK DE STROYER und FB INDICA TOR ar beiten u nabhan gig voneinander und konnen gleichzeitig aktivier t werden. Beacht en Sie bit te: im 96 kHz-Betr ieb sind FEEDBACK DESTROYER und FB INDICA TOR nicht verfug bar! (5) Durch lang es Druc ken auf den PINK NOISE - Taster wird der interne Rausc h gener ator des DEQ1 024 aktivie rt (rote T as ter - LED leuchtet) und der Laut st arkepegel d es T es tsig nals langsam angeh oben, solange de r T as ter gedr uck t bleibt (der Pegel wird am LE VEL METER ( 13) darg estellt). Durch einen kurzen Druck auf den PINK NOISE - T aster wird die Funktion deak tivier t. PINK NOISE Raum resonanzen und die Ubertragungseigenschaften der Beschallungsanlage heben manche Frequenzen an und dampfen wiederum and er e a b. Pink Noise (sog. Ro sa Rausc hen) ist ein neutrale s Signal, das uber die Beschallungsanlage verst arkt w iedergeben werden kann, um diese Ein?usse m essbar zu mac hen.

    Bei Re cht s ans chlag des STE REO IM AGE -Reglers er reichen Sie eine m aximale V erbreiterung des Stereosignals (WIDE), bei Link sansc hlag wird aus dem Stere osignal ein Mono signal (MONO ). Be?nde t sich der Reg ler in Mit telstellung, s o?erhalten Sie das unbeein?usste Stereosignal ( STEREO ). (11) D urch langes D rucken des C ONFI G - T asters wir d die generelle Betriebsar t des Ger ats gewah lt: ANALOG (grun e LED ), DIGITAL ( gelbe LED), PRE EQ (gelbe?LED) oder POST EQ (gelbe LED). Um die W o rtbr eite des digitalen Ausgangssignal s umzuschalten ( 1 6 o der 2 4?Bit), halten Sie bit te den CONFIG- und CLOCK- Taster gleichzeit ig gedr uck t. Die 2 4-B it-Einstellung wir d mit den - 24 dB LEDs der METER- Anzeige (siehe? ( 13) ) ange zeigt. Bei der 16- Bit-Einstellung leuc htet keine METER LED. Das analog e Ausgangssignal wird unabhangig v on dieser Einstellung immer mit 2 4 Bit gewandelt. Ausgangssignals an. Mit dem darunter gelegenen METER- T aster wahlen Sie das entsp rechen de Signal aus, wobei das Ausg angssignal bei leuc htender und das Eingangssignal bei erloschener T aster-LED ( gr un ) angezeigt wird. Die?rote CLIP -LED leuchtet, s obald das ange zeigte Signal uber steue rt. Die? G AT E - bz w. LIMITER - LED daruber zeig t an, dass die Schwelle de s entsprech enden Dynamik prozessor s unter - bz w.Zusat zlich wird di e Laut st arke des Pink Nois e- Generator s bei ge druck t g ehaltenem PINK NOISE- T as ter und die 24-Bit-Eins tellung bei der Anwahl der Wor tbrei te (siehe (12 ) ) am LED METER angezeigt. (14) Durch eine n langen Druc k auf den ST ANDBY -T as ter wird das G erat in den Standby-Mod us verse tz t (rote T a ster-LED leuchtet). Im PRE EQ und POST EQ -Modu s konnen diese Anschlus se als “Inser t Re turn” ver wendet wer den (siehe (11 ) ). Im PRE EQ und POST EQ -Modu s konnen diese Ans chlusse als “Ins er t Send ” verwendet werden (siehe (11 ) ). Schlie?en Sie hier den Einga ng Ihres ex ternen Dynami kprozess ors o. a. an.

    Im Geg ensat z zu den digi talen Eingangen konnen beide digitalen Ausgange glei chzeitig verwendet werden. (20) Mit dem POWER -Schalter neh men Sie den DEQ1 02 4 in Betr ieb. Der POWER- Schalter sollte sich in der S tellung “ Aus” be ?nden, w enn Sie die V erbindung zum Stromnetz her stellen. ? Beachten Sie bitte: Der POW ER- S c hal te r t re nnt da s Ger at be im Ausschalten nicht vollstandig vom Stromnet z. Ziehen Sie deshalb das Kab el aus de r Steckdose, wenn Sie da s Gerat la ngere Ze it nicht benutzen. (21) Die Netzverbindung erfolgt uber eine IEC ?K AL TGER ATE B UCHSE. Ein?passendes Netzkabel gehor t zum Lieferumfang. (22) Am SICHERUNGSHAL TER des DEQ 102 4 konnen Sie die Sicherung austauschen. Beim Er setzen der Sicherung sollten Sie unbedingt den gleichen T yp ver wenden. Beachten Sie h ier die Angaben in Kapitel 5 “TECHNISCHE DA TEN”. (23) SERIENNUMMER des UL TR AGRAPH DIGIT AL. Nehmen Sie sich bi tte die Zeit und send en uns die Garant iekar te komplet t ausg efullt in nerhalb von 1 4 T agen nac h Kaufdat um zu. Oder nu tzen Sie einf ach unser e Online- Registr ierung unter behringer.com. 2. 2 Ruck seite (20) (16) (15) (18) (19) (17) (17) (22) (21) (23) Abb. 2.2: D ie ruckseitigen Bedienungselemente und Anschlusse Wir werden I hnen nun einige da von mit den jeweiligen, ty pischen Gerateeinstellungen vorstellen. T reten Verzerrungen auf, sind diese Ubers teuerungen innerhalb der Anl age als erstes zu beheben. Sehr?wic htig ist auc h die Lau tspre cherauf ste llung. Kein Equalizer der Welt kann einen durch Re?exionen von Wanden und Decken “v erw a schenen” Klang wesentlic h verbess ern. Seh r of t lassen sich da gegen durc h V e randerun g von Laut sprecherauf stellung und -ausrichtung drastische Verbesserungen er zielen. Bei einer Me hrwe g-Ak tivanlage s ollte auch zuer st eine L auf zeit- und Phasenkorr ekt ur vorgenomme n werden (die UL TRA- DRIVE PRO DC X24 96 Digit alfre quenz weiche von BEHRINGER bietet a lle dafur ben otigten Werk zeuge).

    Ers t dann kommt der UL T RAGRAPH DIGIT AL zum Zuge. Storgeraus che wie z. B. Net zbrumm en sowie sehr s chmalband ige Resonan zen sollten Sie zuer st mit Hi lfe des DEQ1 02 4 eliminier en (siehe auch Kap. 3.2. 1 ). Dies soll te unbeding t vor dem Einstellen des Klangs geschehen. Nach dieser Editierung haben Sie eine Grundeinstellung; von i hr ausgehend sollten Sie den manuellen Feinabgleic h vornehmen. Dafur gilt: Nicht fur jeden Einsat zz weck ist eine lineare Ubert ragungs kur ve ideal. Bei Sprachuber tragungen z. B. ist die V ers tandlichkeit am wichtigsten. Im?Bassb ereich sollte d eshalb die Uber tr agungs k ur ve abfallen, da unterhalb des Gr undtonber eichs der Stimme nur no ch Storungen ( T r it tschall) uber tragen?werden. Ex trem tief e und extr em hohe Frequenzen w er den in der Regel sehr viel schwacher uber tragen. Es hat keinen Zw eck, einer kleinen Ges angsbox einen Frequenzgang b is unter 50 Hz “aufz wingen” zu wo llen; das Ergebnis sind nebe n hoherem Leistungsbedar f hochstens teure Laut sprecherreparatu ren. ? Beruck sichtigen Si e bei allen E instellungen die ph y sikalischen Grenzen Ihrer Systeme. Wenn Sie das S ys tem moglichst prazise auf die gewunsc hte Ubertragungskur ve einges tellt haben, schr eiten Sie den Hor bereich ab, um von allen Standor ten einen Horeindruck zu gewinnen. V er gessen Sie nicht, wahrend der Hortes ts regelma?i g Pausen einzule gen und vers chiede ne Musik- oder Sprachpr ogramme zu uber tragen, damit Sie ei n Gefuhl f ur das Ubertr agungsverhalten der Anlage und auch f ur den Raum b ekommen. ? Gute Equal izer -Einstellungen benotigen viel Z eit und Geduld. Sind extreme Einstellungen des Equa lizers erfo rderlich, um einen brauc hbar en Frequen zgang zu er ziele n, so ist di es ein Ala rmzeic hen, das auf einen schw er wiegenden Fehler in der Beschal lungs anlage oder Raumakustik hinweist. Ein Equalizer ist keine Lo sung fur s chlechte Tonanlagen, aber er ist ei n au?ers t nut zliches und e ?

    ek tives K langwerk zeug fu r die musikalis che Feinabs timmung. Mit tels Fein abstimmung lassen sich of t ers taunliche V er besserungen im Bereich der akustischen Durc hdringung und in der gesamten Klangqualitat einer Anlage?erzielen. Prinzipiell sollte die Buhnenlautstarke so gering wie moglich sein, denn: 1. das Gehor w ird gesc hont, 2. es gibt weniger Ruckkopplungsprobleme und 3. es wird leichter, einen guten Frontsound zu er zielen. Of t wird die Monitorlaut starke wahrend eines Konzertes erhoht. Nut zen Sie eventuelle Konzer tp ausen, um alle Monito rwe ge um ca. 3 dB in der L aut star ke herunterzuse tzen. Diese Reduzierung wird von den Musikern nicht oder kaum wahrgeno mmen, da sich das Geho r wahrend der Paus e etw as erholen k ann. Sie?gewinnen dabei w er tvollen Headroom. Extrem tiefe Frequenzen werden in der Regel ganz herunter gezogen, um einen “mulmigen” Buhnensound durch tie?requente Ruckkopplungen zu vermeiden. Benutzen Sie hierzu das Low Cut-Filter und stellen Sie es so ein, dass die extrem tiefen Ruckkopplungen verschwinden und der Monitor-Sound trans parenter wird. Sie sollten na ch dem Auf bau und dem Ein pegeln aller Mi krofon e und Monitor lautspr echer (inkl. Endst ufen) die Aux Send- Regler in den Ka nalen Ihres Misc hpultes auf drehen, die?fur die Monitormischung benotigt werden. Akti vieren Sie nun das F B Q Feedback-Erkennungssystem, indem Sie den FB?INDICA TOR- S chalter (4) dr ucken. Die LE Ds der Schieberegler (1) zeigen nun die Intensit at der einzelnen Freq uenzband er an. Danach erho hen Sie mit Hilfe des Aux Send-Master-Reglers die Verstarkung an Ihrem Mischpult, bis die er sten Feedback s horbar werden. Mogliche Feedback-Frequenzen werden nun durch die am hellsten leuchtenden F ader LEDs angezeigt. Frequenzbereiche, die ein Feedback verurs achen, k onnen nun mit den betre.Wiederholen Sie den V organg, um?eventuell weiter e Ruck k o pplungs fr equenzen au fzu spuren.

    Nachde m Sie alle kri tischen Fre quenzen bear beitet haben, werde n Sie beim Aufdre hen des Aux Send Master-Reglers nur noch ein beginnendes Multi frequenz-Feedbac k horen. Ihre Monitoranlage hat nun di e maximale Laut st arke erreicht. Belassen Sie die anderen F ader in der Mit telstellung, sofern nicht aus einem anderen Gr und (z. B. Messung mi t einem Real-Time Analyzer) Anlass zu eine r Frequenzkorrek tur besteht. Stellen S ie nun die gewunschte Buhnenlautstarke ein, und Sie w er den noch jede Menge Lauts tarkereser ven (Headroom ) zur V er fugung haben, ohne dass Ruck kopplungen entstehen. 3. 3 Der Einsatz des UL TRA GR AP H DIGIT AL im?Studio Im Studio ergeb en sich weitere Anwendung smoglichkeiten f ur den UL TRAGRAPH DIGIT AL. Ihr er Phantasie sind keine G renzen gese tz t. Hier nur ein ige Beispiele: Als Equalizer fur die A bhorlautsprecher: Sie konnen e ine gra?sche Entzerr ung Ihrer Monitorboxen v ornehmen. Au?erdem lassen sic h schmalband ige Raum r esonanzen mi t Hilfe des DEQ10 24 unterdruc ken. Ein Analyzer, wie er z. B. in unserem d igitalen Equalizer ULTRA- CURVE PRO DEQ2 496 integr ier t ist, hil f t Ihnen bei der Such e nach Raumre sonanzen und einem linearen F requenzgang. Zur generellen Klangbearbeitung: Der Equalizer ermoglicht gleicherma?en eine Bearbeitung von Einzel- und Summensignalen. Um Ein zelsignale zu bear beiten, sollten Sie den ULTRAGRAPH DIGIT AL ub er den Kanal- Einschleif weg Ihres Misch pultes ansc hlie?en. Um?mehrere Signale zu k ont rollieren, benutzen Sie entweder einen Subgruppen- oder den Main Mix-Einschleif weg. Speziell in Mastering- Studios wird der Klang einer fertig en Mischung heutzutage immer noc h hau?g mit Equa lizern bearb eitet. O f tmals sind Misc hungen nicht aus geglich en, d. h. Frequenzbe reiche sind uber betont od er kaum vorhand en. Mit einem gra?

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    deq-9200 pioneer manual

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    Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. Amplify your boating adventure and experience the sound quality you've come to enjoy from Pioneer with our Marine products. Products from SATA and USB Blu-ray and DVD burners, to on-ear or earbud headphones and USB powered computer speakers. Whether fully immersive made for the purest, high-res playback to the unrestricted freedom of Wireless Bluetooth capabilities. To purchase DEQ-9200 spares or accessories, please contact the company via their website or visit an authorised retailer. What's going on here. The EQ has two power wires on the back like a head unit. One is constant power, and the Here's a link to the manual in english. I do believe it can tho Any suggestions? Check the capacitors. Power and audio need to be ran on opposite sides of the vehicle. Try re grounding the radio the a new location. make. The yellow wire controls the memory of the. Service manuals usually include printed circuit boards, block diagrams, exploded views, assembly instructions and parts catalog. It's invaluable source of information for everyone looking to repair their unit. You should look for Owner's Manual. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address. Please do not offer the downloaded file for sell only use it for personal usage. Looking for other manual. Document preview No preview for this item!For this no need registration. May be help you to repair. You could suffer a fatal electrical shock. Instead, contact your nearest service center. Note! To open downloaded files you need acrobat reader or similar pdf reader program. In addition, Also some files are djvu so you need djvu viewer to open them. These free programs can be found on this page: needed progs If you use opera you have to disable opera turbo function to download file. If you cannot download this file, try it with CHROME or FIREFOX browser. Megvalositottam, kozzeteszem.

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    Minden kezeloszerv jo, van totalcommander is - lehet masolgatni a fajlokat. Talaltam ra moddolt szoftvert, azzal a bekapcsolaskor lehet nyelvet valtani is es a navigacio nyelve is valaszthato - aztan itt is jon a szurkeseg.Elore is koszonom! Joco Similar manuals: You can write in English language into the forum (not only in Hungarian). Please use the form below to log in, or click the 'sign-up' tab to create a new account. Please let us know if you have any questions or comment on how we run Hifi-Manuals. The service manual functions as a repair guide for troubleshooting and sometimes contains tips for refurbishing and modifications. The schematic is a technical drawing or diagram of your system, a perfect supplement to the Service Manual. This data is collected and thus shared with Google. Got it. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. It's easy! Log in here. Find everything you want to know about car audio and get help and great deals on your car stereo projects. Something went wrong. View cart for details. All Rights Reserved. User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice Norton Secured - powered by Verisign. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email. See below for delivery information We'll send You download instructions on Your email. What is PDF? How to get Adobe Reader ? Thank you very much. You are doing an excellent job. Thanks again. The best party that I met. The excellent quality. I recommend to all. This is my first purchase in this company. For sure not the last. Cheers from Poland. So cut the poor kid some slack. Every one started out a forum noob at some point! You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue.

    He is a lifelong computer geek and loves everything related to computers, software, and new technology. Subscription auto-renews at the end of the term (Learn more). All Rights Reserved. This website is using cookies. By continuing to browse, you are agreeing to our use of cookies as explained in our Privacy Policy. I Agree. Does anyone know where I can get a schematic for the deq 9200. I have searched high and low on google and can't seem to find one. I have opened mine and it is burned right between the two rear output rcas and it looks like something is missing, since is has the burned mark on it it doesn't really let me identify the number or anything else in that area. Thanks in advance.If that's so, open the other one up. If you only have one or the other one has the same problem, look at the other channels to see if there's any symmetry between channels. PIONEER DEQ9200 Service Manual Consumer Electronic Parts and Accessories at PacParts, Inc. I looked all over this morning for the schematic and couldn't find it. As for the other deq, I am not sure if I still have it. I think it might of been chunked with the trash when I cleaned shop. I have a pretty big rats nest at work with a bunch of spare parts that I am almost sure I will use one day that I never seem to use except take up shop space. So it might have been trashed when I did my spring cleaning I bought the service manual and should receive it soon. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should be looking for besides the obvious in this little fine piece of equipment???Gonna see If I can even find those here in this great country. If not, I just have to order them state side. But they are on the rear ouput channel so I don't think they are related at all.If they're in the RCA shield circuit, they're not required for the EQ to power up. You'll have to follow the circuit on the circuit to see where you lose power. If you need help, send me a copy of the schematic diagram.

    However several sections and features of our Please consider disabling your ad blocker on our site and help support Thanks in advance! Everything works great, but i do not have the manual for the EQ. Was wondering if anybody has the maual for it and can assist in setting it up. Thanks in advance for any help!!! This topic is closed. Any user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and use of this information. Please. Download DriverDoc now to easily update Pioneer DEQ-9200 Drivers in just a few clicks.The built-in driver supports the basic functions of your Pioneer DEQ-9200 hardware. Click here to see how to install the built-in drivers. DriverDoc is a utility that automatically downloads and updates your DEQ-9200 drivers, ensuring you are installing the correct driver version for your operating system. Furthermore, you will have access to DriverDoc's driver database of over 2,150,000 unique drivers, making sure that all of your PC's drivers stay updated automatically. Drivers are mini software programs created by Pioneer that allow your DEQ-9200 hardware to communicate effectively with your operating system. What Operating Systems are Compatible with DEQ-9200 Drivers. DEQ-9200 is supported by Windows. How do I Update DEQ-9200 Drivers. Most advanced PC users can update DEQ-9200 device drivers through manual updates via Device Manager, or automatically by downloading a driver update utility. What are Benefits and Risks Associated with Updating DEQ-9200 Drivers. Unlocking new hardware features, optimized compatibility, and overall increased performanced are all benefits of updating your DEQ-9200 drivers. Primary risks of installing the wrong Audio Video Accessory drivers include software crashes, slower performance, and PC instability. About The Author: Jay Geater is the President and CEO of Solvusoft Corporation, a global software company focused on providing innovative utility software.

    Copy and paste the following into your reply. Q955 Pin 1: Pin 2: Pin 3: Q957 Pin 1: Pin 2: Pin 3: Q951 Pin 1: Pin 2: Pin 3: IC952 Pin 1: Pin 2: Pin 3:But the remote is hooked up and has power to it. I am using a 16v power source.Resources saved on this page: MySQL 15.79% vBulletin Optimisation provided by. World's leading marketplace.Why Pig Meat is Called 'Pork' and Cow Meat is Called 'Beef'Home; Service Manual; Part list; Pioneer XS-NSF1 Service manual; Pioneer X-J7MD Service manual; Pioneer X-HM50-S Service manual;Loading Pioneer deq-9200 pro mode - Duration: 1:48. Povilas Venclovas 12,004 views. 1:48.Here you can find the latest products in different kinds of pioneer dsp audio processor deq 7200 user Free Pdf Download I don t play games often so the 512mb is good for me Precautions Keep the Scanner out of direct sunlight.World's leading marketplace.Why Pig Meat is Called 'Pork' and Cow Meat is Called 'Beef'Home; Service Manual; Part list; Pioneer XS-NSF1 Service manual; Pioneer X-J7MD Service manual; Pioneer X-HM50-S Service manual;Loading Pioneer deq-9200 pro mode - Duration: 1:48. Povilas Venclovas 12,004 views. 1:48.Here you can find the latest products in different kinds of pioneer dsp audio processor deq 7200 user Free Pdf Download I don t play games often so the 512mb is good for me Precautions Keep the Scanner out of direct sunlight.By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. OK, I Understand Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features.

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    deq230 manual

    The DEQ230 is a graphic equalizer, which means it has many fixed frequency bands that can be cut or boosted.This means the DEQ230 is in Bypass mode. As long as this LED is lit, incoming audio will pass through the unit without being affected by the DEQ230.In this mode, you have access to the 30 Preset programs and 30 User programs. But there’s a bit more to it than that. There are also two gain adjustment stages that can be used to compensate for a reduction or increase in signal level caused by the equalization curve being used. The DEQ230 has 60 programs in all: 30 Preset programs and 30 User programs. The Preset programs are the ones numbered 00-29, while the User programs are numbered 30- 59. Band Solo The DEQ230 has a handy feature called Band Solo that allows you to “isolate” a given frequency while you are editing. This can help you determine exactly which band you need to highlight or de- emphasize. To decide which option suits your working method or circumstance, experiment with the setting for the Release Edit Group function in Setup Mode. But at some point the curves may need to diverge slightly (or significantly). Rather than unlinking the channels and starting all over again on Channel B, we have included a handy feature called Channel Copy as a subset of Store mode. Once the DEQ230 is in Channel Level mode, you will see the Band Gain LEDs go completely dark except for the ones over the buttons mentioned in the two steps above. The DEQ230 has a special key combination that will activate a “light show” for the entertainment of your clients, audience, or children. To begin the pyrotechnics, first make sure you are in Program mode. When a hot line level signal comes in, the DEQ230 has plenty of headroom to deal with it. But if you perform some radical. On the other hand, if you prefer to have the DEQ230 remain in Edit mode so you will not lose your chosen Edit Group when the unit returns to Program mode, you may want to turn the Edit Time Out function off.

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    Variable Q This Reference Manual is an important part of that, because in it we try to present the DEQ230’s features in a way that is easy to understand and remember. But even beyond. While it's a good idea to read through the entire manual once carefully, those having general knowledge about audio equipment should use the table of contents to look up specific functions. This symbol warns the user of uninsulated voltage within the unit that can cause dangerous electric shocks. Use only with a cart, stand, bracket, or table designed for use with professional audio or music equipment. In any installation, make sure that injury or damage will not result from cables pulling on the apparatus and its mounting.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Thermal Considerations in Rack Mounting The DEQ230 can be mounted in an equipment rack (occupying one rack space) or placed on a table or shelf. The DEQ230 will work with any standard line voltage from 100 to 240 volts as long as the appropriate detachable power supply adapter is used. The DEQ230 has been shipped with the suitable adapter for the line voltage in your area. To use the DEQ230 as an effects insert device, you will need an insert cable (not included). This cable splits the TRS insert jack into two unbalanced mono connectors. Simply connect one insert cable to the left main insert of the mixer, and connect the two mono jacks to the CHAN A INPUT and OUTPUT of the DEQ230. Make sure that pin 2 of the XLR connector is connected to the tip of the TRS adapter, and pin 3 is connected to the sleeve. These should be low-capacitance shielded cables with a stranded (not solid) internal conductor and a low-resistance shield. Although quality cables cost more, they do make a difference. An equalizer boosts or cuts a frequency range.

    High DJ Isolation Mid DJ Isolation Low DJ Isolation Nasal. This curve gives the signal a little more life when you want to get the listener's attention. Reduce channel levels of that program. Reduce Master Level in Setup mode. Unlock DEQ230 in Setup mode. Refer to page 46. Edit Channel A Unlink the Channels to allow independent edits to Channel B. However, should problems occur, DO NOT attempt to service the unit yourself unless you have training and experience. All rights reserved Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. Specifications subject to change without notice. Introduction.3Important Safety. Page 4: DEQ230 Key Features Table Of ContentsWelcome! Thank you for purchasing the Alesis DEQ230. It is a versatilePage 7: Please follow these precautions when using this product: Introduction. How to Use This Manual. This manual is divided into the following sections describing thePage 8 IntroductionInstructions. Important Safety Instructions (English). Safety symbols used in this productPage 10 Important Safety InstructionsPage 11: Produkt verwendet wird: Important Safety Instructions. Instructions de Securite Importantes (French). Symboles utilises dans ce produitPage 12 Important Safety InstructionsPage 13: FCC Compliance Statement Important Safety Instructions. Lesen Sie bitte die folgende Sicherheitshinweise (German). Sicherheit Symbole verwendet in diesem. ProduktPage 14 Important Safety InstructionsCE Declaration Of Conformity. See our website at:This device complies with. Page 16: Step 3: Store the Program Important Safety InstructionsPage 18 1 Quick Start GuidePage 19: Thermal Considerations in Rack Mounting Quick Start Guide 1The shippingPage 22 2 ConnectionsPage 23: outputs (DEQ230D only) Connections 2. Connecting Inputs and Outputs. Connecting to the Channel or Main InsertsConnecting to the inserts on an instrumentThe insert sends on a guitar or. Page 26 2 ConnectionsPage 27: What is equalization. Connections 2. About Audio Cables.

    Your DEQ230 is now locked. (No fair using this knowledge to play tricks on your salesperson!) It's simple to restore the DEQ230 to full functionality (i.e.,. Once the external device begins sending the proper sys-ex data, the DEQ230D displays the message “Rcving,”. To force the DEQ230D to listen only to the balanced inputs, switch this setting from Auto to Analog.If this happens, the red CLIP LED will light. To avoid this, turn down the signal being sent to the DEQ230. Other options include adjusting the Channel Level settings in Edit mode, or adjusting the Master Level setting in Setup mode. Variable Q This method of equalization is a relatively recent development in the history of sound reinforcement and recording technology. In this example, three adjacent bands are used. But when a greater degree of control over the program material is needed, a constant Q equalizer like the DEQ230 offers a significant advantage. These are merely suggested settings; experiment and find your own once you begin to hear what the DEQ230 does to your sound. In a way, it’s absurd to suggest EQ settings without knowing what the source sounds like. The smile curve is a time-tested technique used by live sound engineers. No time for a sound check? Start here. It makes for a nicely balanced sound when listening at low levels. Take note of that frequency for further editing or just set the DEQ230 to the Narrow Cut 1-5 program that matches the Boost program that emphasized the frequency range in question. They can be overwritten with your own programs. (Naturally, if you have done that, the following diagrams no longer apply.) We suggest that you try these before storing a new program in their place, though;. If you want to make your audio sound as if it’s coming from one of those portable televisions, try this one. This is one place to start looking for that special fit. If you've got a drum machine or drum mix that calls for woof and hot treble, send it through this curve.

    You'll understand how this effect process got its name once youPage 62 5 Program ChartsPage 63 Program Charts 5Page 68 5 Program ChartsPage 69: DEQ230 Settings Chart Program Charts 5DEQ230 Settings ChartNo input audio. Test with a known goodRefer All Servicing to Alesis. We believe that the DEQ230 is one of the best signal processors. Page 76 6 Troubleshooting. It is a versatile product, and whether it be comes a part of you r studio or finds its place in your liv e setup, w e kn ow it will serve you well. Use o nly with a cart, stan d, brack et, or table designed for use with professional audi o or music equipment. V erwenden Si e ausschl ie?lich W agen, Stander, oder Tisc he, die speziell f ur professionell e Au dio- und Musikinstrumente geeignet sind. Achten Sie immer darauf, da. The shipp ing carton was designed to protect the unit during transit. Y ou can use this me thod to connect two mono sour ces or one stereo source to the DEQ230. What is equalization. An equalizer boosts or cuts a frequency range. V ariable Q What mak es the DEQ230 unique. T hes e are merely sugg ested settings; experiment and fi nd your o wn once you begin to hear what the DEQ230 does to your sound. Howev er, thi s feedbac k often occurs at one fre quency before it happens at others. No input audio. T est with a known good input. Bad cables. Replace the cables. Destinatio n is turned down. Very often issues with Alesis DEQ230 begin only after the warranty period ends and you may want to find how to repair it or just do some service work. Even oftener it is hard to remember what does each function in Stereo Equalizer Alesis DEQ230 is responsible for and what options to choose for expected result. Fortunately you can find all manuals for Stereo Equalizer on our side using links below. Please check your inbox, and if you can’t find it, check your spam folder to make sure it didn't end up there. Please also check your spam folder.

    The connections between the DEQ230 and your studio are yourPage 28: Description of the Controls 2 ConnectionsDescription of the Basic Modes. Program mode. When this manual refers to Program mode, we. Page 32: Basic operation: Edit mode 3 Basics of EqualizationBasic operation: Program mode. Program mode is where to be if you want to call. Page 34 3 Basics of EqualizationPage 35 Basics of Equalization 3. Whether you are cutting or boosting a band, the first 10. Page 36 3 Basics of EqualizationPage 37 Basics of Equalization 3This is because that's how far the bandPage 39: Channel Copy Basics of Equalization 3. Likewise, if the lowest gain setting of any band in this same Edit. Group is. Page 40: Basic operation: Audition mode 3 Basics of EqualizationPage 41 Basics of Equalization 3. Channel Copy. You can use the Link function while editing to help set up identical. Page 42: Basic operation: Channel Level mode 3 Basics of EqualizationPage 43: Real-time Analysis mode (DEQ230D only): Basics of Equalization 3. Audition Automation. There are two ways to toggle between the programs in the. Audition List:. Page 44: Setup mode 3 Basics of EqualizationPage 45 Basics of Equalization 3. There are several sub-levels of operation that can be accessedHere's a description of what each function does. Page 48 3 Basics of Equalization. Page 49: Button combinations Basics of Equalization 3Page 50: Equalization Artifacts 3 Basics of EqualizationPage 51: Constant Q vs. Variable Q Basics of Equalization 3To force the DEQ230D to listen onlyPage 53 Basics of Equalization 3. Constant Q vs. Variable Q. What makes the DEQ230 unique? At their inception, graphic equalizers. Page 54 3 Basics of EqualizationMulti-band application and results. So far we have only dealt with cutting or boosting single. Page 56: Filtering effects 3 Basics of EqualizationPage 57 4 ApplicationsPage 59: Chapter Five: Program Charts Applications 4. Comb filtering.

    Une reparation est necessaire lorsque l’appareil a ete endommage de quelque sorte que ce soit, par exemple losrque le cordon secteur ou la prise sont endommages, si du liquide a coule ou des objets se sont introduits dans l’appareil, si celui-ci a ete expose a la pluie ou a l’humidite, ne fonctionne pas normalement ou est tombe. Ne l’utilisez pas pendant longtemps a un niveau sonore eleve ou a un niveau non confortable. Si vous remarquez une perte de l’ouie ou un bourdonnement dans les oreilles, consultez un specialiste. Ne placez pas les objets remplis de liquides (vases a fleur, boites de boisson non alcoolique, tasses de cafe) sur l'appareil. Verwenden Sie keine flussigen Reinigungsmittel. Dies kann gefahrliche Folgen haben. Dieses Terminal wird fur Ihre Sicherheit zur Verfugung gestellt. Achten Sie immer darauf, da.Wenn Sie einen Rollwagen benutzen, achten Sie darauf, das dieser nicht umkippt, um Verletzungen auszuschlie?en. Die Wartung wird notwendig, wenn das Gerat beschadigt wurde oder aber das Stromkabel oder der Stecker, Gegenstande oder Flussigkeit in das Gerat gelangt sind, das Gerat dem Regen oder Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt war und deshalb nicht mehr normal arbeitet oder heruntergefallen ist. Achten Sie deshalb auf ausreichende Luftung mit mindestens 15 cm Abstand von anderen Geraten. Betreiben Sie es nicht uber langere Zeit mit hoher Lautstarke oder einem Pegel, der Ihnen unangenehm is. Wenn Sie ein Nachlassen des Gehors oder ein Klingeln in den Ohren feststellen, sollten Sie einen Ohrenarzt aufsuchen. Plazieren Sie die Nachrichten, die mit Flussigkeiten (gefullt werden Blumevases, Getrankdosen, Kaffeetassen) nicht auf den Apparat. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

    These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: If you're experienced with signal processors, this chapter is a “shorthand” guide for those who want to start using the DEQ230 right away.That way you’ll hear the changes you make with Channel A affect both channels of audio at once. Choose a song or musical passage with a fairly consistent level, so you can take your time experimenting with the different features. This will call up a program with all frequencies set to 0 dB, which will allow you to hear the changes you make to the audio more easily. Bring the mixer’s main faders up gradually until the green LED over the word SIGNAL begins to light up on each side. Carefully increase the mixer’s output level until the green LEDs are lit most of the time. If the red LEDs light up at all, back the mixer’s output level down until they stop lighting up. This is important, because the red LEDs indicate that the signal is clipping on that channel. One of the LEDs above that button will begin to blink. If desired, select another frequency and repeat this process. Press it again to return to the EQ’d signal. Here’s how to do this. For your convenience, programs 55-59 have been left “blank” so you can store your editing experiments somewhere without fear of overwriting a program you might want to use later. To prevent this, reduce the level being sent to the proper channel.

    It is a versatile product, and whether it becomes a part of your studio or finds its place in your live setup, we know it will serve you well. Since 1984, we've been designing and building creative tools for the audio community. We believe in our products, because we've heard the results that creative people like you achieve with them. This Reference Manual is an important part of that, because in it we try to present the DEQ230’s features in a way that is easy to understand and remember. But even beyond explaining each feature and parameter, this manual can be a key that unlocks an application for the DEQ230 that you may not have considered. So we try to write our manuals as carefully as we build our products. We hope we've achieved that. If not, please drop us an email and give us your suggestions on how we could improve future editions of this manual. While it's a good idea to read through the entire manual once carefully, those having general knowledge about audio equipment should use the table of contents to look up specific functions. If you're already familiar with equalization, this will get you started using the DEQ230 right away. It's a short guide to the essential elements of hooking it up and using it for the first time. This section gives detailed instructions for connecting the DEQ230 to a variety of typical audio systems. This section explains what an equalizer does and explains the function of each of the controls. Skip to this section for tips on using the DEQ230 in a variety of settings. Here you will find the names for all 60 Factory Programs, with a brief description of each and a small graphic representation of the front panel settings. Near the end of the manual you will find troubleshooting tips and a complete list of the DEQ230’s specifications. This symbol indicates that this information is vital when operating the DEQ230.

    Do not spray any liquid cleaner onto the faceplate, as this may damage the front panel controls or cause a dangerous condition. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding-type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. When the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet. In any installation, make sure that injury or damage will not result from cables pulling on the apparatus and its mounting.Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as when the power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped. Operate in a well-ventilated area with at least six inches of clearance from peripheral equipment. Do not operate for a long period of time at a high volume level or at a level that is uncomfortable. If you experience any hearing loss or ringing in the ears, you should consult an audiologist. Do not place objects filled with liquids (flower vases, soft drink cans, coffee cups) on the apparatus. Il est potentiellement dangereux d'utiliser des pulverisateurs ou nettoyants liquides sur cet appareil. Une prise murale avec terre deux broches et une troisierme reliee a la terre. Cette derniere est presente pour votre securite. Si le cordon secteur ne rentre pas dans la prise de courant, demandez a un electricien qualifie de remplacer la prise. Dans toute installation, veillez de ne rien endommager a cause de cables qui tirent sur des appareils et leur support.

    The shipping carton was designed to protect the unit during transit. Please keep this carton in the highly unlikely event that you need to return the DEQ230 for servicing. When you install it, keep in mind that heat is the greatest enemy of electronic equipment. Please observe the following. These are not absolute limits, but Alesis cannot guarantee that the DEQ230 will meet its published specs or remain reliable if operated outside of these ranges. Do not seal any enclosure that holds this unit. It is not necessary to leave an empty rack space above or below the DEQ230. However, if your environment is unusually warm and not air conditioned, space between units will help the units run cooler. The DEQ230 has been shipped with the suitable adapter for the line voltage in your area. If you plan to travel with it to another country, obtain an Alesis AC power supply adapter compatible with the outlets used in the other country and use it in place of the supplied adapter. These can be obtained through your Alesis dealer or through the Alesis Parts department. Do not substitute any other type of power supply adapter. If a replacement is needed, one may be purchased from your Alesis dealer or from the Alesis Parts department. These are typically Tip-Ring-Sleeve (TRS) jacks with the send and return on the same jack. To use the DEQ230 as an effects insert device, you will need an insert cable (not included). You can use this method to connect two mono sources or one stereo source to the DEQ230. You would need two insert cables to make both of these connections. Simply connect one insert cable to the left main insert of the mixer, and connect the two mono jacks to the CHAN A INPUT and OUTPUT of the DEQ230. Use another insert cable to connect the right main insert to the CHAN B INPUT and OUTPUT of the DEQ230.

    If your recording console has these connections, use a balanced TRS cable to connect the insert send to the INPUT of the equalizer, and another balanced TRS cable to connect the equalizer OUTPUT to the insert return. A rear panel switch allows you to configure the unit to your audio environment. To prevent clipping, reduce the level being sent from this equipment. For example, you could use channel A to EQ the rhythm guitar and channel B to EQ the bass guitar. Or use channel A on the kick drum and channel B for the snare drum. When processing CD audio, you may find it necessary at times to lower the Channel Level of the active program so as to avoid clipping the output stage of the DEQ230. This will allow additional headroom for more extensive equalization. See pg. 42 for details on the Channel Level function. The DEQ230 has a special key combination that will activate a “light show” for the entertainment of your clients, audience, or children. To begin the pyrotechnics, first make sure you are in Program mode. Real-time Analysis mode ( DEQ230D only ): The DEQ230D is capable of another “light show” that is even more useful than it is entertaini ng. Real-time analysis (RTA) mode uses the Band Gain LEDs to show you exactly which frequencies are present in the audio signal that is passing through the DEQ230D. This is an extremely useful tool that has been a mainstay of serious sound reinforcement engineers for decades. Immediately, the DEQ230D will start giving you visual feedback as to what is going on with the instrument or mix that is being processed. Metering modes Like any professional audio product, the DEQ230D allows you to configure the response of the Band Gain LEDs while in RTA mode. OO Peaks are held until the metering mode is switched to another setting, or until you exit RTA mode. B eing in Demonstration mode is something like being in A udition mode; the DEQ230 will cycle automatically through all 60 programs one after the other.

    The main difference is that while in D emonstration mode, the audio signal is bypassed.Sign up now. Something went wrong. Please continue to shop on the eBay homepage. All Rights Reserved. User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice Norton Secured - powered by Verisign. Es ist generell eine gute Idee das gesamte Manual einmal von vorn bis hinten aufmerksam zu lesen.This symbol warns the user of uninsulated voltage within the unit that can cause dangerous electric shocks. Use only with a cart, stand, bracket, or table designed for use with professional audio or music equipment. In any installation, make sure that injury or damage will not result from cables pulling on the apparatus and its mounting.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Thermische Besonderheiten bei der Rackmontage Der DEQ230 kann in ein 19“ Rack installiert werden.Der DEQ230 ist speziell an das mitgelieferte Netzteil angepasst. Sie sind unbrauchbar zu einem Stereoklinkenanschluss wandeln. Deshalb sollten Sie nur hochwertige, abgeschirmte Audiokabel verwenden. Auch wenn diese ein bisschen teurer sind, macht sich diese Investition doch schnell bezahlt. Der DEQ230 ist ein graphischer Equalizer.Ein Punkt rechts neben der Programmnummer bedeutet, dass dieses Programm gerade editiert wird. Wie genau das funktioniert, erfahren Sie auf Seite 39. So einfach die Navigation im Program Mode des DEQ230 auch ist, ist es jedoch schwierig, sich auf die Bearbeitung zu konzentrieren, wenn Sie gleichzeitig sicherstellen wollen, dass Sie im richtigen Programm landen. Wird das letzte Programm in der Audition List erreicht, springt der DEQ230 wieder zum Anfangspunkt auf der linken Seite. Wie Sie sich erinnern werden, zeigen die vier LEDs an, welches der Programme das momentan aktivierte ist.

    Setup Mode Hier finden Sie die Funktionen, die festlegen, wie der DEQ230 in den anderen Betriebsarten arbeitet.Ihr DEQ230 ist nun gesichert.Wenn das passiert, leuchtet die rote CLIP LED. Um dem werden, bei der Bearbeitung vorzubeugen, verringern Sie das Signal.Diese EQ-Methode ist noch relative frisch in der Geschichte der PA- und Aufnahmetechnologie. Die Unterschiede zwischen Constant Q und Variable Q Methoden bei der Einbeziehung benachbarter Frequenzen werden nun bildlich dargestellt.Jedoch ist es absurd, EQ Einstellungen vorzuschlagen, ohne zu wissen, wie der Sound vorher klingt.Starten Sie hier. Hinweise zu den Programmen 30-59 Die folgenden 30 Programme befinden sich im User Programmbereich. Air Boost Das Gegenteil zur High Shelf Kurve. AM Radio Eine andere Bandlimiter-Kurve.Cardboard Tube Erinnern Sie sich an Ihre Kindheit und das erste selbst gebaute Telefon aus Pappbechern? Next Door Neighbor So klingt es, wenn nebenan eine Party steigt.Schwaches Ausgangssignal. Eingangspegel zu schwach. Ausgangspegel zu schwach. Specifications subject to change without notice. Registrieren Sie sich jetzt.

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    deq-p800 manual

    Symptom No sounds come from the DVD setting. (See the manual for the DVD player using the auto TA and EQ, an error message may appear on the display. Dynamic range control Dolby Digital has a function for compressing the difference between the loudest and softest sounds: Dynamic range control. AudioAppareil centralAction corrective. Le Dolby Pro Logic B est en service.Published by Pioneer Corporation. All rights reserved. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. Amplify your boating adventure and experience the sound quality you've come to enjoy from Pioneer with our Marine products. Products from SATA and USB Blu-ray and DVD burners, to on-ear or earbud headphones and USB powered computer speakers. Whether fully immersive made for the purest, high-res playback to the unrestricted freedom of Wireless Bluetooth capabilities. Something went wrong.Very good used Condition. May have technician notes written ” Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Read item description or contact seller for postage options. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab This amount is subject to change until you make payment. If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Learn more - opens in a new window or tab Very good used Condition. May have technician notes written inside. Climate Controlled Warehouse Stored For Over The Last 20 Years. Actual Manual In Pic. ” Contact the seller - opens in a new window or tab and request a postage method to your location. Please enter a valid postcode.

    • deq-p800 manual, pioneer deq-p800 manual, pioneer deq-p800 user manual, deq-p800 manual.

    EnglishWe Want You Listening For A Lifetime. Used wisely, your new sound equipment will provide a lifetime of fun and enjoyment. This unit properly. Features. CUSTOMER SUPPORT DIVISION P.O. Box 1760 Long Beach, CA 90801-1760 800-421-1404 CANADA Pioneer the manual before you begin using this sales service for Pioneer products. CAUTION: USE OF CONTROL OR ADJUSTMENT OR PERFORMANCE OF manual handy as a reference for operating procedures and precautions. ! Always keep the volume low enough so that you can hear sounds. Prior to using this unit for the first time after installation. Head unit. Operate this unit with the connected head unit. Instructions in this operation manual use AVH-P6600DVD volume level. 4 EQ button Press to select various equalizer curves. En. Introduction of DSP adjustmentsUsing the sound field controlUsing the dynamic range control. The dynamic range refers to the difference between the largest and softest sounds.If the installed speakers include one whose size has been set to SMALL, you can select a frequency, under which sounds are repro-. Adjusting the speaker output levelsNotes ! If needed, intervals of about two seconds. The current. Using the time alignment. Using the equalizer. The equalizer lets you adjust the equalization to match car interior acoustic characteristics as desired. Recalling equalizer curves. There are seven stored equalizer curves which you can easily recall at any time. Digital Signal ProcessorDigital Signal ProcessorEQ (auto-time alignment and auto-equalizing) on this page). You can turn the auto-equalizer on or off. 1 Touch A.MENU and DSP and then touch NEXT twice. 2. EnglishRefer to Using the position selector on page 9. Setting an equalizer level high can cause distortion. If high sound is crippled or distorted, try switching to LOW. Sound is not heard over a speci- The speaker size is set to OFF.The center speaker size is set to SMALL or LARGE whereas no center speaker is installed.

    EnDigital Signal Processor You can override audio settings to check for both the center and the rear speakers are locked out when the direct.You can readjust the speaker output levels using.You can select a frequency, under which sounds are set.Press EQ repeatedly to switch between FLAT and a set at OFF.When this already exists, the setting will be replaced. In addition, the cut power to a power amp with an LPF, turn the engine off the LPF.Bass content is blown. The center speaker setting is only effective on. Turning dynamic range control on. Dolby Pro Logic B is installed. Action Check whether the.Generally, DVDs are recorded with an increased dynamic range are heard clearly even at low volume levels. This new technology enables a discrete 5-channel playback with 2 front channels, 1 center channel, and 2 rear channels.The following terms are frequently used to search for Pioneer DEQ-P800 support:Giving Off A Distorted Sound. Can These Be If the identical rattle occurs. JSFiddle or its authors are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind during the usage of provided code. Consumer Electronics, If you follow any of those links and end up acquiring a manual, it will not be from us. Here is why we may deserve your business. We love our Vintage Audio and other built-to-last electronics equipment in an age of disposable products for a throw-away society. We might sell the kids before our classic silver Pioneer or Vintage Marantz, Kenwood and Sansui gear. If you also value High Quality Manuals that enhance the ownership satisfaction of your vintage audio treasures, you found the right place. (continued below.) It IS Our Guiding Principle Add Site to your Favorites Other sites we host: Phase Linear History Vintage Technics Database We sponsor two free Yahoo Audio Groups We are meticulous and give genuine best efforts to produce clean, well-constructed manuals for you.

    Please enter a number less than or equal to 1. If you don't follow our item condition policy for returns, you may not receive a full refund. Refunds by law: In Australia, consumers have a legal right to obtain a refund from a business if the goods purchased are faulty, not fit for purpose or don't match the seller's description. More information at returns. All Rights Reserved. User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice Norton Secured - powered by Verisign. Please use the box above to search for any other information.I install one of those unit for a friend's car.I have the UDR 444 monitor with 2 cameras, but the UDWC25 is not compatibl. View 3 videos for the. Pioneer DEQ-P800 below.We Want You Listening For A LifetimeSound can hear it. courtesy of sound levels is too late, this by playing it there. Selecting fine audio equipment such.Information to User. Alteration or modifications carried out without appropriate authorization.Limited Warranty sheet included with the functions and their operation by reading through the manual before you refer to the companies at the following site. After- sales service for Pioneer products. Please contact the dealer or distributor from this unit for repair without advance contact. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION DEPARTMENT 300 Allstate Parkway Markham, Ontario L3R OP2.When strange or incorrect messages appear on this manual handy as a reference for the first time after handling. Keep. USE OF CONTROL OR ADJUSTMENT OR PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE. Wash hands after installation.Notes ! DVD and the optional DVD player are set to play back multi-channel audio in volume when switching between the largest and softest sounds. Using the down -mix function allows you wish to adjust. 2 Touch A.MENU and DSP and then touch SLA. 3 Touch a or b to.

    com - Pioneer PDF Library If an item has a description and Price Code, then CLICK THAT PRICE PRECISELY identify the item you want with company brand. If you want multiple Whether your email is to order Tell us EXACTLY You may findIndividually-assigned Overall quality is Very Overall quality is Very Overall quality Overall quality is Very Overall quality Overall quality is Very Models covered: StereoManuals.com - Pioneer PDF Library If an item has a description and Price Code, then CLICK THAT PRICE PRECISELY identify the item you want with company brand. If you want multiple Whether your email is to order Tell us EXACTLY You may findIndividually-assigned It makes a difference. Seekers of truth mayImages may be used with. Something went wrong. View cart for details. Trusted seller, fast shipping, and easy returns Learn More eBay Money Back Guarantee Get the item you ordered or your money back.Get the item you ordered or your money back. Learn More About this seller addicted-to-cgc Feedback Score (14918) 100% positive feedback About this seller addicted-to-cgc Feedback Score (14918) 100% positive feedback Seller's other items Contact seller About this item Seller Notes Not A CD, PDF, Download or Photocopy. Very good used Condition. May have technician notes written inside. Climate Controlled Warehouse Stored For Over The Last 20 Years. Actual Manual In Pic.User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice Norton Secured - powered by Verisign. If you find what you are looking for, decide which delivery method you prefer and click to add the item to your cart. If appears for an item, that item is available for instant Download. An instant Download link will be available on your receipt page as soon as your order has been completed. All other Downloads will be made available within 1-2 business days from completion of your order. Some items may not be available for download, click for additional information about any item.

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    FYI, I already called Pioneer tech support and spoke with a guy named Adhama.The pioneer techs I noticed this year are no help at all.I'm still wondering why my front outputs don't seem to work unless 5.1 Sound is off, and hooking them up to non-fading works fine with 5.1 Sound On.I don't listen to the 5.1 that often it seems to sound better when I have the Dolby turned off. What are some of the Dolby and DSP modes. Any feed back would be appreciated. ThanksWhat are some of the Dolby and DSP modes. Any feed back would be appreciated. My other vehicles all had Mark Levinson systems, so I grew to appreciate the sound of proper staging. I do once in a while switch off Dolby Pro Logic to gain overall volume when showing off. One way to truly appreciate the sound of 5.1 Digital and DTS is to play a demo disc. About the only gripe about running the DEQ-P800 with the Z1 is the Z1 does not have direct control over any DEQ functions. Everything, including the main volume, is remote control via the AXM-P8000.This makes me wonder about not being able to use Voice controls, and this means I'll have one more remote control to lose. If I lose the remote than I can no longer control the system. Another thought came up.now I'll have three crossovers in the system, Amp, Z-1, and the DEQ-P8000. Doe's this make tweaking the system more difficult. I like to tweak with my systems as much as the next guy but I don't want it to get confusing either. I just want to make sure this product is for me. Thanks everyone for all your input.If I lose the remote than I can no longer control the system. Another thought came up.now I'll have three crossovers in the system, Amp, Z-1, and the DEQ-P8000. Doe's this make tweaking the system more difficult. I like to tweak with my systems as much as the next guy but I don't want it to get confusing either. I just want to make sure this product is for me. What I can do is turn off 5.

    1 digital on the Z1, this way, the volume control on the Z1 is active, and the sound is outputted through the RCA output. Just set the AXM-P8000 at a set level and adjust source volume via Z1. Even with the DEQ-P8000 and AXM-P8000 active, I can still use voice controls. The only additional part needed when using the DEQ-P8000 is the external voice guidance speaker. Without it, there's no NAV voice and no button prompt sounds. Unfortunately yes, if you lose the AXM-P8000 remote, you can't control ANY of the DEQ-P8000 functions. Crossover setup is not a big issue. Since Z1 feeds the DEQ-P8000 with a single source, either the non-fading RCA output or the digital output, all crossover functions are setup with the DEQ-P8000. I also do not utillize any amplifier crossover. The DEQ-P8000 alone has a ton more sound control than the Z1 or the amplifiers combined. Tuning the system is the easy part when is involves the DEQ-P8000. Simply hang the included microphone on the driver's seat headrest and start the test. The DEQ-P8000 finds the optimum EQ curve for the whole system resulting in a flat response thereafter. Each channel (front, center, and rear) have independant 3-band parametric equalizers to fine tune your final sound preference. Also, each of those channels have independant crossover setups. Another reason for my decision in using the DEQ-P8000 is the RCA outputs to the amplifiers are boosted to Hi-Volt outputs (5 volts) compared to the Z1's 2.2 volt. This minimizes noise considerably.I'm going to have the Z1 installed on Wed.I want to see how it sounds with the 2.2v. I'll just add the DEQ-P8000 later if I'm not happy with it. It sure would be nice for this Z1 to intergrate with out having to use the AMX8000. Pioneer really doesn't make a true all-in-one unit. Thats too bad.It's easy! Sign in here.

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